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Brighton Health & Social Care

The Health & Social Care Network is Brighton Solfed's newest initiative. Aiming to bring together all those who work in both areas to stand up for each other.

Our health and social care provisions are being dismantled and those working are having their good will taken advantage of. We want to build confidence and a culture of resistance, collectivising issues and improving services from the workers’ and service users perspective.

We believe by acting together workers can directly tackle issues and assert our rights. We’re holding meetings promoting mutual support and solidarity, where issues can be shared and collectively acted on. We’re introducing training for organising in the workplace.

Issues we have encountered are; low pay, unpaid overtime, no breaks, no annual pay rise, privatisation, bullying and harassment, staff shortages and zero contract hours.

If you’re working in health and social care, and you’re interested in discussing a workplace issue or joining, get in touch!

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