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Wildcat! #6

The summer 2011 issue of Liverpool Solidarity Federation's local newsletter can be downloaded here.

Solidarity with Canadian Posties

Despite the geographical distance between us, the North London Solidarity Federation supports the struggle being waged by our fellow brother and sister workers in the Canadian Postal Service.  We applaud the inspiring wildcats and direct actions that took place in Edmonton.  While we know the next round of strikes will be "official", we hope the militancy and self-organisation witnessed in Edmonton will continue to be an integral part of workers' struggle in the Canada Post.

In London, too, posties are facing job cuts because of incompetent and greedy bosses. Your battles and are ours are interlinked in the global fight against the boss class and their state lackeys.

At the HMRC walkouts

On Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June, PCS members in HM Revenue & Customs staged a series of walkouts. This was in opposition to a harsh new sickness policy being imposed upon staff. Members of Liverpool Solidarity Federation were amongst those who turned up on the picket lines to show support.

The action took the form of an hour's walkout at 4pm on Tuesday, a 10am "walk-in" on Wednesday, and a two-hour lunchtime walkout on the same day. The strikes took place across the country, with a high degree of support and disruption reported in most places. On Merseyside, the action was concentrated in the City Centre and in Bootle - both of which are home to a high number of government offices.

A message to Vince Cable

Following his recent comments, the following message has been emailed to the business secretary, Vince Cable, by the Liverpool local of the Solidarity Federation.

Dear Dr Cable,

We noted with interest and contempt your warning to trade unionists that a rise in industrial militancy in the UK will result in a hostile response from the State.

Our message to you is simple:


The day the working-class is intimidated by mediocre ruling-class lickspittles like you is the day 'Hell' freezes over.

Unkind regards,

Liverpool Solidarity Federation

SF posters

Three SolFed posters:

Just saying


At Work

Report back from NLSF meeting with USI Milan

On Friday the 3rd of June, four members of the North London Solidarity Federation were lucky enough to sit down with and engage in comradely discussion some twelve members of the Milan Local of the Italian USI – AIT.

NLSF back on Facebook!

Solidarity Federation Facebook

After having our profile pulled off Facebook along with around 50 other political and anti-cuts groups on the social networking site around the time of the Royal Wedding (suspicious timing we're sure you'll agree), NLSF is back on Facebook, this time as a 'Page'. So if you're on Facebook, just search North London Solidarity Federation, go to our Page, click the 'Like' button, and help spread the word!

A list of all the groups that had their accounts disabled can be seen here.

A report back from the People's Assembly

On Saturday 4th June, almost 150 people took part in the Liverpool People's Assembly Against The Cuts. Members of Liverpool Solidarity Federation were amongst them, as the conference discussed resisting cuts in the public sector, to the NHS, and in communities.

Contrary to the name, the event was quite traditional in its set-up. Each of the three sessions was a panel debate, with the chair introducing four speakers who opened and closed the sections, with other contributions often also taking the form of prepared speeches. Despite this limitation, there were still many good points made. Numerous times, the TUC and trade union leadership came in for substantive criticism, and a SolFed comrade drew this together to make the point that we need to act for ourselves and build our own confidence rather than looking to leaders.

Liverpool People's Assembly Against the Cuts

This Saturday, Liverpool Trades Council have called for a People’s Assembly Against the Cuts. This all-day event is being organised as a forum for discussion and planning, with the possible aim of setting up an all-Liverpool anti-cuts campaign.

Liverpool Solidarity Federation believes that it is important working class people and communities organise themselves against attacks by the ruling class. That is why we welcome the idea of an all-Liverpool anti-cuts campaign, uniting communities, workplaces, the employed and unemployed, students and pensioners to challenge the most savage attacks our class has ever faced.

Elmo the anarcho-syndicalist

This has been doing the rounds on social networking sites and has made us chuckle. Well worth a listen!

Also, keep an eye out for Buffy the Anarcho-Syndicalist. More info here.
