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Combat Workfare: Wembley

Sat, 23/03/2013 - 13:00


492-500 High Road

North London Solidarity Federation will be going after businesses in Wembley and pushing them to stopping Workfare in their stores, in support of Boycott Workfare's Week of Action Against Workfare (18-24th March).

We're starting at Poundland on the High Road at 1pm. Bring banners, placards and bring some noise.


If you can't make it we're also holding pickets in Leytonstone with Feminist Fightback at the same time:

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Haringey Council and Groundwork picketed over Workfare

Yesterday North London Solidarity Federation picketed the Homes For Haringey offices in Wood Green and the depot for Groundwork, in Tottenham, who are employed by the Council to provide gardening and improvement services on estates in the area. The demonstration was against Groundwork's use of workfare; unemployed people are forced by Jobcentres to do the work. They are not being paid for it and they can't refuse or they would lose their benefits for two months.

There are over 6,500 people looking for work in Tottenham and this number keeps on increasing. The area has the highest unemployment in London. What is Haringey Council doing? Hundreds of people providing essential services have been made redundant and now they are being replaced by unpaid workers.

National demo against privatisation | University of Sussex | Monday 25 March 2013

COME down for 1pm and join in the LARGEST demonstration (so far) against privatisation at Sussex University, and to show that universities nationwide are NOT FOR SALE!

Facebook event

IF coming from outside of Brighton, please organise a coach to come down from your local area. Stay in the occupation the night before and if you please, stay for a celebration afterwards...

Free coach from London.

With encroaching privatisation across campuses, we need to stand up and make it heard: OUR UNIVERSITY IS NOT FOR SALE!

more details to follow, including speakers, but get planning!

The University is a Factory - SHUT IT DOWN!

National demo against privatisation | University of Sussex | Monday 25 March 2013

Mon, 25/03/2013 - 13:00
Event organiser: 
Occupy Sussex

COME down for 1pm and join in the LARGEST demonstration (so far) against privatisation at Sussex University, and to show that universities nationwide are NOT FOR SALE!

IF coming from outside of Brighton, please organise a coach to come down from your local area. Stay in the occupation the night before and if you please, stay for a celebration afterwards...

Free coach from London.

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Keith Hodgson - 1962-2013

Keith Hodgson, long time activist in the Liverpool anarchist scene, died on Saturday 23rd February 2013, aged 50. Keith, like many of his generation, was radicalised by the re-vitalised Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and by the Thatcher onslaught against working class rights and freedoms in the 1980s. As a young anarchist and CND activist, Keith rapidly moved to the direct action wing of the anti-militarist movement and also worked voluntarily in the CND Merseyside offices. This combination of organisational work and street activism was typical of Keith over the years.

Labour Party fails to co-opt grass-roots anti-Bedroom Tax campaigns in Liverpool

Report from one of our member's blog.

Today (Saturday 16th March) in Liverpool finally saw the knights in shining armour from the local Labour Party riding into town to rescue the city’s working class from the clutches of the evil Tories. Or at least that’s how the Labour left would like to portray the situation. The reality, as they surely know, is very different.

Following the Labour snub to the local campaigns in Liverpool, feelings were running high among tenants who have been involved in campaigns in the city for many months and following the mass bans of angry tenants from the Labour event page on Facebook it was clear the platform wasn’t going to tolerate any deviation from the Labour line.

Boycott Workfare - A4e Communications Blockade – Wed. 20th March

Wed, 20/03/2013 (All day)

Boycott Workfare - A4e Communications Blockade – Wednesday 20th March

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Boycott Workfare Actions Glasgow Saturday 23rd March 11am

Sat, 23/03/2013 - 11:00 to 13:00

Boycott Workfare Actions Glasgow Saturday 23rd March 11am

Meet Front Entrance St Enoch Subway Station, St Enoch Square, G1 4BW

1st Action, Superdrug, 66 Arygle Street, G2 8AG

2nd Action, 12 noon, British Heart Foundation, 10 Union Street, G1 3QX

Organised by the Crutch Collective and the Scottish Unemployed Workers Network.

Backed by Unite the Union Community Branch, Right to Work, Clydeside IWW and Glasgow Solidarity Federation.

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Portsmouth Poundland picket 2nd March 2013

Solent Solfed & CNT-AIT Caen


On the 2nd of March, Solent SolFed with comrades from Bristol and Brighton locals along with CNT-AIT Caen, Forest of Dean Anarchists, Wessex Solidarity and others, picketed Poundland in Portsmouth as part of our rolling campaign against the mendacious workfare provider (they keep staying they’ve pulled out). This particular shop had two employees working for JSA however.
