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Interview: Safe Conditions - No Evictions: Life as a tenant of Youngs lettings agency

We're calling our second demo against Youngs letting agency this Saturday, for instigating a revenge eviction against Patrick rather than fixing the serious problems with his flat.

In this short video, Patrick talks about what it's been like being a tenant of Youngs - you'll understand why we're calling for safe living conditions.

Solfed en espanol: entrevista con 2 afiliados de Solidarity Federation en Londres

Una entrevista que se realizo con un companero del Centro General de Trabajadores y la Assamblea Llibertaria del Valles Oriental de Catalunya, Espana hace unos dias como parte de la nueva iniciativa de ambos Locales de Solidarity Federation en Londres para comunicarse en esa idioma:

Invitamos a los castellano hablantes que actualmente se encuentran en Londres, incluso desde nuestra seccion hermana - la Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo de Espana - y otros, que se pongan en contacto con nosotros.

International Week of Action Against Ryanair: leafleting in Liverpool

John Foley of the Ryanair Don't Care campaign joined members of Solidarity Federation and the Anarchist Federation in Liverpool City Centre yesterday to hand out leaflets. John addressed the public by megaphone, describing the recruitment and employment practices of Ryanair as around 500 leaflets were distributed.

After the distribution, John provided Liverpool Solfed with an interview outside News From Nowhere bookshop - which has a Ryanair Don't care display in its front window - about what was in store. On Friday, there will be a picket of the Allied Irish Bank and Daniel Silverman Solicitors.

Ryanair Don't Care campaign review of 2011

In this video, John Foley shares some of the highlights of the last year of campaigning against Ryanair's exploitation of its employees. Liverpool Solidarity Federation continues to offer support to John and his direct action campaign. A member of Occupy Liverpool also explains why people at the camp support the campaign as well.

For background info on the Ryanair Don't Care Campaign, see here.


SolFed on the radio

A member of Brighton SolFed was interviewed on the Novara show on Resonance FM last week. The hour long show talks about the history and theory of anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism, the differences with Marxist ideas, the occupations at Sussex University, the current anti-cuts movement and more. Listen using the player below (requires flash).

Why did we risk it all? Because we won't go down without a fight

While the recent media spin is suggesting that we’re ‘on our way out of recession’, the reality on the ground is that workers are still facing attacks across sectors in the forms of job cuts and community provisions. Education has been one of the sectors worst hit in this period, with £65m slashed from higher-education (HE) budgets, schools closing left, right and centre, and jobs to go at approximately 100 of the 150 HE institutions in the UK . The situation is as bleak as ever.