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'Fighting For Ourselves' SolFed Book Launch Glasgow Fri. 1st March 7p.m.-9p.m.

Fri, 01/03/2013 - 19:00 to 21:00

'Fighting For Ourselves' Solidarity Federation Book Launch Glasgow

Event by Glasgow Solidarity Federation

Friday 1st March 19:00 until 21:00

Glasgow Social Centre, Basement, Garnethill MultiCultural Centre, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow, G3 6RE

Anarcho-Syndicalism And The Class Struggle – Solidarity Federation

Introductory talk by one of the co-authors followed by discussion

We are living in times of unprecedented attacks on our living conditions on all fronts, of rising social tensions and sometimes violent eruptions of class conflict. And yet if anything, the surprise is not that there has been riots and the odd strike, but that there have been so few. How are we to make sense of this. How are we to fight back, to take the initiative? Against capitalism, what do we want to put in its place? The 20th century discredited state socialism, and rightly so. But with it, a whole history of international class struggle, of revolutions and counter-revolutions, victories and defeats, spontaneous uprisings and vast workers' organisation has been eclipsed too.

The book aims to recover some of the lost history, in order to set out a revolutionary strategy for the present conditions.

Facebook Event Page:!/events/132310493602348/

Read the book here for free, plus details of where to buy hard copies, and free downloads of the book:

Free PDF version plus reviews and online debate:

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