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Protest against visit to Liverpool by Francis Maude!

Fri, 09/12/2011 - 09:30 to 13:30


The Capital Building
Old Hall Street
L3 9PP Liverpool
United Kingdom
53° 24' 33.5664" N, 2° 59' 38.7924" W
Event organiser: 
Liverpool Against The Cuts


On Friday December 9th Francis Maude, #1 pension thief and government anti-union enforcer will be paying a visit to The Capital building on Old Hall Street in Liverpool.
Maude has used the 'negotiations' on pension reform to hold a knife to the throat of public sector workers across the country. Lets follow on from N30 and show this scumbag that he's not welcome in our city.
We understand that he will be visiting the Capital Building on Old Hall St at 10.30am and will then be moving on to the Echo Arena at 12.00 noon to address a Conservative Party Business Forum.
We call on all local activists to mobilise members and provide Mr Maude with a warm Liverpool welcome.
The protest outside the Capital Building is assembling at 9.30am on Old Hall Street. The protest at the Echo Arena is assembling at the Arena Box Office windows (opposite the Jury's Inn hotel) at 11.55am.