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The Great Housing Rip-Off (Bristol)

Mon, 13/05/2013 - 20:00


Cube Cinema
4 Princess Row
BS2 8NQ Bristol,
Event organiser: 
Bristol Solidarity Federation, Permanent Culture Now & Bristol Indymedia

"With social housing provision shrinking and home ownership increasingly inaccessible, millions of households in Britain, are forced into sub-standard, insecure and expensive private lets. The establishment presents this situation as a 'lifestyle' or 'life-stage' choice, yet for many there is no choice at all. With much of the once militant tenants movement co-opted by the state, resistance is fragmented and often desperate.  What is to be done? Bristol Solidarity Federation invites you to an evening of film and discussion on the mess that is Britain's housing system."

Monday 13th May 8pm The Cube, Dove Street, Bristol.  Entry £3/£4 (But nobody turned away due to lack of funds)