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Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

Sat, 25/04/2015 - 11:00

Bristol Solidarity Federation will be at the 2015 Anarchist Bookfair. The cities largest and best attended political event. With nearly 60 stalls, a wide range of talks, discussions, and soap-box, it no surprise that over 1,000 people participate each year.

Bristol are hosting a talk: "Fuck the Labour Party – we’re anarcho-syndicalists"

Anarcho-syndicalists have rejected the idea of political reform since before the advent of the Labour Party and the extention of the francise. It didn't make sense in the 1870's and it doesn't make sense now. This workshop will draw on two examples of the Labour Parties anti-working class practices and repressive nature. The first is the concentration camps for unemployed workers carried through by Ramsay MacDonald's Labour government. Next up is how the post-war labour government invoked the spirit of '45 and sent troops to break a strike in Avonmouth. This will be followed on discussion on building a revolutionary union.