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Sat, 31/03/2012 - 18:16

Bristol - Abolish Workfare demo targets Holland and Barrett

Joining with actions across the country against Workfare, members of Bristol Solidarity Federation, Bristol Anarchist Federation, Bristol & District Anti Cuts Alliance, Youth Fight for Jobs, The IWW (union), Right to Work and others took to the streets as part of the fight-back against the Workfare providers.

Escorted by the police throughout, the 40 strong group headed straight for a Holland and Barrett's in the swanky Cabot Circus. Bemused shoppers were treated to punk classics from the wheeley-bin sound-system and gladly accepted a variety of literature outlining the perils of Workfare. Then the march headed-off to picket more of the cities Workfare poverty-peddlers. Primark, McDonalds, Greggs, Wilkinson's and another Holland and Barrett were targeted.

Until the threat of unpaid-mandatory free labour is lifted we will continue to target the these parasitic companies.

Recent articles

This article was published on 31 March 2012 by the SolFed group in Bristol. Other recent articles:

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