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Sat, 23/04/2011 - 20:05

Bristol Riot

Bristol Solidarity Federation openly condemn the heavy-handed policing that provoked a brave resistance from Bristol's working class.

It seems difficult to fully understand what led to the night's event. Truth is the first casualty of war and this is another event in an ongoing class war. The police version of events will no doubt be accepted by the media and liberal minds. While the media are happy to focus on disgruntled anti-Tesco protesters. Yet underneath we easily observe a growing discontent with capitalism's gross iniquities, its market-led answers to the distribution of social goods alongside the state's willingness to enforce the wishes of the ruling class.

As the dust settles we are left with a feeling that this is the opening of a new battle, to enforce the rights of the property-owning classes and ensure the future profits of corporations.

Our response needs to go beyond spontaneous riots, we need to organise for the future battles in our workplaces and communities. Bristol SF will be at the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair on the weekend of May 6th. We will be hosting a discussion on the current position of the working class, what is behind the impostion of austerity and strategies for fighting back.