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A4e in Liverpool hit by picket and communications blockade

Today (12 June), around a dozen anti-workfare activists joined a picket of the Liverpool offices of A4e, called by Liverpool Solidarity Federation. At the same time, hundreds of people took part in our communications blockade of the same office - effectively jamming up the phone and fax lines for a considerable portion of the day.

Miners in northern Spain block motorways and occupy pitheads against job losses and pit closures.

An indefinite strike started in the mines last week after the government announced a 60% cut in subsidies. This will mean effectively the end of the mining industry. The mining counties have already been hard hit by the crisis. Youth unemployment has tripled in Asturias since the start of the crisis and young people are leaving the county in search of work elsewhere. 
Since the start of the strike the miners have been blocking motorways all over the province of Asturias, using burning tyres and trees. They have blockaded the port in Gijon and blocked the train tracks from Madrid to Gijon. Two mines have been occupied for the past ten days. There have been demonstrations in Olviedo and Mieres in Asturias, and in Madrid.
There will be a general strike in the “comarcas mineras”, the mining counties of Asturias, Castilla Leon and Aragon on the 18th of June.

Lively picket kicks off hectic month in Liverpool anti-workfare campaign

On Saturday 9 June, Liverpool Solidarity Federation called action against workfare in the City Centre. Upwards of 40 people, including members of Solfed, the Anarchist Federation and the wider anarchist community in the city, took part. We were also pleased to have local musicians on board, providing a ska/punk soundtrack to the day's activities.

Combat workfare - Wavertree

Sat, 16/06/2012 - 13:00


126 Smithdown Road
L15 3JR Liverpool
United Kingdom
53° 23' 44.3688" N, 2° 56' 25.8756" W
Event organiser: 
Liverpool Solidarity Federation

The second week of our latest run of workfare pickets will be targeting those exploiting unpaid labour in Wavertree, to underline that this campaign is not confined to the City Centre.

If you are travelling from Town, assemble at the bus stops on Great Charlotte Street, up the steps from St John's Market and Clayton Square, between 12 and 12.30. Map here:

If you prefer to head straight to Wavertree, meet at the Asda on Smithdown Road at 1pm.

local, network, collective: 
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Communications blockade - A4e Bootle

Thu, 14/06/2012 (All day) to Fri, 15/06/2012 (All day)
Event organiser: 
Liverpool Solidarity Federation

A4e is the best example of everything that is wrong with workfare, workfare providers, and the culture of greed that drives the workfare industry. Investigations for fraud were launched in February 2012, and not for the first time.

On Thursday 14 June, we are asking everyone to make their voice heard. Whether you are in Bootle or not, call A4e and complain about their involvement in the work programme.

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Communications blockade - A4e Liverpool

Tue, 12/06/2012 (All day) to Wed, 13/06/2012 (All day)
Event organiser: 
Liverpool Solidarity Federation

So far, action against workfare has focused on the high street providers. These high profile actions will continue as the campaign goes on. But we also need to be hitting the profiteers, such as A4e.

A4e is the best example of everything that is wrong with workfare, workfare providers, and the culture of greed that drives the workfare industry. Investigations for fraud were launched in February 2012, and not for the first time.

local, network, collective: 
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Combat workfare - Liverpool City Centre

Sat, 09/06/2012 - 12:30


Next to Nowhere
96 Bold Street
L1 4HY Liverpool
United Kingdom
53° 24' 9.4644" N, 2° 58' 38.928" W
Event organiser: 
Liverpool Solidarity Federation

To kick off a rolling series of pickets and occupations against workfare, leading up to the National Week of Action on 7-14 July, we are holding another day of action in the City Centre.

We call everyone who stands opposed to the government's workfare scheme, and the attempt to undermine the rights and conditions of ALL workers, to join us at the Next to Nowhere social centre from 12.30. There, we will announce our target and take action.

local, network, collective: 
Access Layer: 

cleaners demonstrate for sick pay and holiday pay at SOAS

About seventy people demonstrated at SOAS on the 6th June, in the continuing battle for better conditions for cleaners in the London universities.
The cleaners at some universities have won the London Living Wage, but they have not given up and are demanding equal conditions of employment for all staff - fair sick pay, holiday pay and pension contributions. Some universities, like UCL, are refusing to make any increase in cleaners’ wages. Others, like at Senate House, have conceded the LLW but are now trying to impose speedup on the cleaners with an increase in workload.

Hull SF picket Holland and Barrett (26/05/12)

Hull Solidarity Federation have picketed Holland and Barrett again, on the 26th of May. From 11am to 2pm we handed out leaflets and struck up conversations with passersby and potential customers, informing them about use of 'workfare' and encouraging them not to shop there. Handing out the same leaflets we made for last time, we successfully turned away a fair few potential shoppers, whilst we estimate that our presence in official hi-visibility Solidarity Federation picket vests deterred further amounts of people through their sheer brightness in the mid day sun.

Shop steward reinstated at Ratcliffe power station after walkout

Hundreds of people stopped work at Ratcliffe power station in Nottinghamshire last Tuesday after a shop steward was suspended. Rank and file activists from round the country went to the site at 6am and spoke to workers going in, who held onsite meetings and voted to take action in support of their health and safety rep. 600 people eventually walked out unofficially. It is inspiring that various trades took part, not just electricians, including welders, scaffolders and pipefitters. Rank and file activists say that the rep, Jason Poulter, who was suspended six weeks ago, is being victimised for being active in the Besna protests.  He has now been reinstated and is back at Ratcliffe. 
