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Sussex University outsourcing update

  • More demonstrations. Tuesday's demonstration happened despite Unison emailing its members saying the demo was cancelled.
  • University Vice-Chancellor Michael Farthing bullshitted his way through open staff meetings (reports from staff: 1, 2). A student was physically removed by Head of Security Roger Morgan. Outside contractors were used for security, which suggests management know they've lost the trust of the in-house security staff they're outsourcing.

Denied deposits? Refused repairs? Harassed by your landlord?

South London Solfed can help you fight back against the exploitative practices of landlords and estate agencies.

Our new "Stuff Your Landlord" leaflet lists some basic legal rights.

It can be useful to know the law because many landlords don’t follow basic legal requirements. But we also need to remember that the law is not going to be on our side most of the time. We shouldn’t rely on a court system designed to benefit the rich and powerful to make sure we’re treated fairly.

Lively Holland and Barratt protest hits Northampton

Northampton Solidarity Federation held a lively and loud protest and leafletting on Saturday outside Holland and Barratt in Northampton's busy shopping Centre. The protest was against Holland and Barrat's involvement in the Government's workfare scheme, which allows them to use unpaid labour. A number of shoppers were turned away. This was the second time in a month that the store has been targetted.

Save Our College - 250 people march against redundancies in Hackney

250 people marched through Hackney on Saturday against the threat of 55 redundancies at Hackney College. Although there have been redundancies every year bar one for ten years, this year the proposed cuts are much more serious.
In a borough with 11, 243 people claiming JSA chasing just 669 jobs in the jobcentre, courses that may be closed include basic literacy, basic maths and health and social care. All the courses in the Access department are at risk even though Access to Nursing, for example, is already full with more than a hundred people on the waiting list. 

Workfare profiteers Holland & Barrett once again targeted

Re-posted from Johnny Void's blog:

Workfare campaigners staged a lively day of action in South London [on 19th May] following the call out from South London Solidarity Federation.

Snake oil salesmen Holland & Barrett, who have plans to replace around a quarter of their staff with unpaid labour, were the target on a day which also saw actions in Hackney, Brighton and Lincoln.

In Lewisham protesters met in the town centre and thwarted a heavy police and security presence outside Holland & Barrett in the shopping centre by heading to leafy Blackheath instead.

Statement from South London, North London and Brighton Solidarity Federation about sexual assault within the anarchist/activist community

This statement comes from recent discussions within South London and North London Solidarity Federation locals, and in response to a recent case of sexual assault which took place in the wider activist community. Following the actions taken by North London, South London and Brighton Solidarity Federation locals, this statement was written by the South London Gender Working Group.

We want to state clearly a number of things.

Third Demonstration against the Privatisation of Sussex Services

Tue, 29/05/2012 - 13:00
Event organiser: 
Sussex staff

After two Great turn outs at demos against the privatisation of Sussex Services, a 3rd is planned for Tuesday 29th, we need to keep pressure on the senior management and spread the word to every student, worker and academic on campus and beyond !!!!

local, network, collective: 
Access Layer: 

3rd Demonstration against the Privatisation of Sussex Services

Tue, 29/05/2012 - 13:00
Event organiser: 
Sussex staff

After two Great turn outs at demos against the privatisation of Sussex Services, a 3rd is planned for Tuesday 29th, we need to keep pressure on the senior management and spread the word to every student, worker and academic on campus and beyond !!!!

local, network, collective: 
Access Layer: 

March against redundancies - Hackney College

Sat, 26/05/2012 - 12:00

March against 55 compulsory redundancies, the whole access dept being closed down even though they have had 165 applications already for just one course, Access to Nursing which has 25 places, even though the borough has the worst unemployment for 17 years, even though it is an excellent department... There are also cuts to Literacy, Maths, Art and many other courses.

Meet at Hackney College, Falkirk St, N1 opposite Hoxton tube at 12 noon, marching to Hackney Town Hall.

local, network, collective: 
Access Layer: 

If you think the minimum wage is too generous, Holland & Barrett would love to give you a job

On Saturday 19th May Holland and Barrett once again felt the heat in Brighton and Hove as the Solidarity Federation staged a further picket just a week after the last one. This time we used the opportunity of our monthly tenants’ and workers’ rights stall to target the health food chain in George Street, Hove.
