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May Day 2012 - March and Rally

Tue, 01/05/2012 - 17:00


Derby Square L2 9XX Liverpool
United Kingdom
53° 24' 19.422" N, 2° 59' 21.894" W
Event organiser: 
Merseyside Trades Council

Merseyside and Liverpool TUC are holding a May Day March and Rally from 5pm on Tuesday 1st May.

At this point, details aren't known beyond the meet up point and time, but we are publicising this as International Workers Day should be commemorated.

Depending on the numbers present from the radical and libertarian left, we may look at organising an open speakers platform as a rival to the usual boring speeches by TUC bureaucrats.

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St Imier - Upcoming International Anarchist Festival - Glasgow Talk Thurs. 19th Apr. 6.30pm

Thu, 19/04/2012 - 18:30 to 21:00

 St Imier 140th anniversary - Talk and News On Upcoming International Anarchist Festival.

Public Event By Glasgow Anarchist Federation And Friends (Including Glasgow Solidarity Federation)

Thursday, 19 April 2012

18:30 – 21.00

Room 407, Boyd Orr Building, University Avenue, Glasgow, G12 8QQ

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Join us in Worthing for the Carnival for Choice!

Next Sunday (15th April) Brighton Solidarity Federation will be supporting the Carnival for Choice! in Worthing.

Carnival for Choice! is part of Brighton Pro Choice’s ongoing campaign against the anti-choice group Abort67. The group, based around a right-wing Christian church in Worthing, often protest outside the Brighton BPAS clinic. They are known for using US-style anti-choice tactics including photographing people entering the clinic and banners featuring graphic images of aborted foetuses to try and dissuade women from exercising their right to choose. Their aim is to have abortion outlawed, no matter the circumstances.

Solent Solfed Members Join Two Pickets Last Week

Here are two members write ups of the pickets Solent SF were involved with last week!

Protest picket of the Communication Workers Union.

Carnival for choice! Pro-Choice rally and march in Worthing

Sun, 15/04/2012 - 10:00 to 14:00
Event organiser: 
Brighton Pro Choice

Brighton Pro Choice have called for a carnival for choice on this day as we are extremely alarmed at the continuation of US-styled anti-choice protests that have been happening outside abortion clinics in the UK.
One of the targets, both of the current ’40 days for life’ campaign and a sustained bi-weekly protest is a BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) Clinic in Brighton.

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Highlights of a general strike report from CNT Madrid

00:00h The start of the strike. CNT militants head to the workplaces and the neighbourhoods.

00:15 Vallecas. The presence of a massive number of police, including plainclothes, taking people’s details, makes it difficult for people to picket the postal service and other places.

00:30 Police charge in Plaza de Santa Ana. A CNT comrade is injured by the police and has to go to hospital, needs stitches. Several arrests.

01:15 Mercamadrid. A large number of CNT pickets try to stop lorries leaving. They succeed at first, but a combination of police numbers and the passivity of the pickets from the reformist unions means lorries leave.

05:00h Entrevias depot. A picket of 100 people, a third of them members of the CNT. An enormous police presence, including horses, makes it difficult to picket. The few buses which leave have an escort of police motorbikes.

Catford Holland and Barrett picket

As part of the national day of action against workfare and the IWA days of action, SLSF picketed Holland and Barrett along with 20 other SF locals and others around the country. 

A heavy security presence in Lewisham Shopping Centre was outwitted when protesters moved down the road to Catford where a noisy demonstration began outside the local Holland & Barrett.  The store closed as 20+ SLSF and comrades chanted, sang and dished out leaflets.  Many people passing supported the need to take action against forced labour, particularly in a borough which has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. 

Communication Workers Union HQ picketed in protest against workfare at Royal Mail

On Monday April 2nd members of London SF, Solent SF and the IWW joined Boycott Workfare activists to picket the headquarters of the Communication Workers Union over their support for workfare.

CWU officials have signed an agreement with the Royal Mail to allow DWP "Work Experience". People on the scheme face the threat of sanctions for refusal and if they do not take part they are likely to be sent on a number of other compulsory schemes.

The CWU leadership insists that their agreement with Royal Mail is for "voluntary" work experience only. Unless there is a guarantee that people leaving the scheme will not face sanctions the scheme is not voluntary. No such guarantee is in place.

Newcastle Holland and Barrett Picket

Picket outside Holland and Barrett, Saturday 31st March. We managed to
turn away a good proportion of customers, handing out leaflets at the
door and to passers by. Despite being a Saturday in the Bigg Market -
a popular drinking haunt for stag and hen parties - the picket went
down well.

Report on 31 March workfare pickets in Brighton and Hastings

On Saturday Brighton SolFed held three separate pickets of Holland and Barratt stores in Brighton and in Hastings in response to their continued use of unpaid workfare placements to reduce staff costs. Across the country SolFed locals and other groups took part in a day of action to highlight the use of workfare by high street companies.

The national day of action was called by SolFed to coincide with the International Workers’ Association (of which SolFed is the British section) days of action which included the general strike in Spain called by our Spanish section, the CNT.
