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Sun, 21/10/2012 - 16:51

EWN Workplace Organiser Training Day - 17. November


SolFed's Education Workers’ Network will host our first workplace organiser training on Saturday, 17th November 2012, 10am-6pm; at SOAS, London (1st floor, Brunei Gallery building, opposite the main SOAS building entrance).

This will be a day of training sessions & discussions on workplace issues for workers in educational organisations regardless of job, role and whether unionised or not. It is addressed at anyone who wants to:

build a network with fellow education workers;
learn to take on management and organise workplace struggle;
share ideas & experiences on building solidarity and confidence in the workplace.

Programme includes basic workplace organiser training & workshops on:

  • Organising Strikes - Working with TUC Unions
  • Visions of Libertarian Education - What’s the Point of Secondary School
  • Organising / Coordinating with Students.

For further details, email:


PDF icon Flyer for the EWN training day257.61 KB