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Mon, 18/07/2011 - 18:03

Congratulations and Solidarity to London's IWW Cleaners

The North London Solidarity Federation would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the IWW cleaners who recently won a strike over unpaid wages.  Their solidarity, organization, and determination (despite their varying immigrant backgrounds and the fact they work for an unscrupulous subcontractor) is an inspiration for us all.  Congratulations again fellow workers and please don't hesitate to let us know how we can support your struggle in the future.

North London Solidarity Federation

Ambas secciones londinenses de Solidarity Federation l@s envía felicitaciones a l@s limpiezas de IWW Londres después de su huelga exitosa. Su solidaridad es una inspiración. Otra vez, felicitaciones a nuestr@s companer@s y esperamos que nos avisen de como podremos solidarizarnos con sus luchas en el futuro.